German GY mine. The United, Kingdom accordingly submitted an Application which, after an objection to its admissibility had, been raised by Albania, was the subject of a Judgment, dated March 25, Court declared that it possessed jurisdiction. Forty-five British officers and sailors lost. NORTH SEA CONTINENTAL SHELF CASES.docx, Arellano University Law School • PUBLIC INT 1, 14. … View 13. Stuck? – is relevant for our, In its Judgment the Court declared on the first question, by 11 votes against 5, that Albania was. This entry analyses the Corfu Channel Case, the first case before the International Court of Justice, concerning dammage to British navy ships due to mines in Albanian waters. Corfu Channel Case (1949) Summary.pdf - SUMMARY OF RELEVANT ASPECTS OF CORFU CHANNEL CASE(MERITS Judgment of 9 April 1949 The Corfu Channel, 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful, SUMMARY OF RELEVANT ASPECTS OF CORFU CHANNEL CASE (MERITS), The Corfu Channel Case (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-Albania) arose, from incidents that occurred on October 22, , 1946, in the Corfu Strait: two British destroyers, struck mines in Albanian waters and suffered damage, including serious loss of life. was sent to her assistance and, while towing her, struck another mine and was also seriously damaged. In October 1946, when two British warships passed through the Corfu Channel the ships struck mines and were damaged. COMPETENCE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR THE ADMISSION OF A STATE TO THE UNITED NATIONS Advisory Opinion of 3 March 1950 10 7. Principle: The principle of the freedom of maritime communication.An international rout must be free from any danger, and the coastal state (the state who control the area) would be … The United, Kingdom first seized the Security Council of the United Nations which, by a Resolution of April, , 1947, recommended the two Governments to submit the dispute to the Court. Chorzow Factory Case (Among others).pdf, Alina-Kaczorowska-Ireland-Public-International-Law-Routledge-2010.pdf, Philippine Christian University • LAW 100, Arellano University Law School • APOE 001, Nairobi Institute Of Business Studies • LAW 001. Only one, aspect of the first question – Is Albania responsible for the explosions? The channel they were following, which, was in Albanian waters, was regarded as safe: it had been swept in 1944 and check-swept in, when off Saranda, struck a mine and was gravely. Innocent Passage? The Court in Corfu Vice-President Guerrero (El Salvador), President pro tempore for this case President Basdevant (France), not sitting as president for this case Read (Canada) De … Corfu Channel Case (UK and Northern Ireland v. People’s Republic of Albania) ICJ 194. On the same day the two Parties concluded a, Special Agreement asking the Court to give judgment on the following questions. NORTH-SEA-CONTINENTAL-SHELF-CASE-DIGEST-doc.doc, 4. HMS Volage after being mined. Corfu Channel Case (United Kingdom v. Albania); Assessment of Compensation: Publisher: International Court of Justice (ICJ) Publication Date: 15 December 1949: Country: Albania | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Citation / Document Symbol: 15 XII 49: Type of Decision: I.C.J. HMS Saumarez towed by HMS Volage. In November 1946 the British Royal Navy swept for mines in the Corfu Channel in Albanian waters without Albanian consent. The Corfu Channel Case United Kingdom v. Albania 1949 The Monetary Gold Case Italy v. France, UK, & USA 1954. NORTH SEA CONTINENTAL SHELF CASES (CASE BRIEF).docx, 4. In diffusing an early Cold War dispute, the Court articulated a set of legal principles which continue to shape our appreciation of the international legal order. , 1946, two British cruisers and two destroyers, coming from the south, entered the North Corfu Strait. 13. Reports 1949, p. 244; General List No. INTERPRETATION OF PEACE TREATIES WITH BULGARIA, HUNGARY AND ROMANIA (FIRST PHASE) Advisory Opinion of 30 March 1950 11 8. The Court held that Albania was responsible for the October 1946 explosion in Albanian waters, and for the damage and loss of human life that resulted. Legality of the Use of Threat of Nuclear Weapons (1996) SUMMARY.docx, 4. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. We have tutors online 24/7 who can help you get unstuck. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT ASPECTS OF CORFU CHANNEL CASE (MERITS) Judgment of 9 April 1949 The Corfu Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. CORFU CHANNEL CASE (ASSESSMENT OF AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION) Judgment of 15 December 1949 9 6. In 1949 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) handed down its first judgment in the Corfu Channel Case. Corfu Channel Case (1949) Summary.pdf from PUBLIC INT 1 at Arellano University Law School. 10.
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