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[40], Fair Trade Universities have been successful because they are a "feel good" movement. Safeway Inc. began carrying fair trade coffee after individual consumers dropped off postcards asking for it.[100]. The Dominican Republic is the largest producer of fair trade bananas, followed by Mexico, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. The WFTO Fair Trade Standard specifies criteria for assessing if an enterprise truly implements the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. Wilson, B. R. (2009). Now handicrafts are Nepal's largest export. Weitzman, H. (2006, August 9). L’objectif du mouvement est de bonifier le système libéral en le modifiant de l’intérieur ». Les outils du commerce équitable au service des filières d’avenir en France. Zu jedem Prinzip definiert der Standard für die verschiedenen Organisationen – Produzenten, Handelsorganisationen oder sonstige Nicht-Handelsorganisationen – eine Reihe von einzuhaltenden Kriterien. Fair Trade Yearbook: Towards 2000. p.23 & 25. Fair Trade Enterprises are producing sustainable, ethical and beautiful fashion. À partir de cette date l'importation et la vente de produits artisanaux devient une pratique systématique de OXFAM[18], qui crée en 1964 la première organisation de commerce alternatif Alternative Trade Organizations (ATO). Dans les années qui suivent, un certain nombre d'associations similaires voient le jour en Europe et en Amérique, qui proposent d'autres labels de commerce équitable qui se regroupent finalement sous la bannière de FLO (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations). [67] The presence of labeling give consumers the feeling of "doing the right thing" with a simple purchase. Three growers explained a deep understanding of fair trade, showing a knowledge of both fair market principles and how fair trade affects them socially. It is often difficult for women to balance textile production, domestic responsibilities, and agricultural work. ): Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International,, Wikipedia:Vorlagenfehler/Vorlage:Infobox Verband/Logo fehlt, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Kleinproduzenten ermöglichen, mittels Fairem Handel ihre Lebensgrundlagen und ihr Gemeinwesen zu verbessern, fünf Regionalbüros (Asien, Afrika, Europa, Lateinamerika, Nordamerika und pazifischer Raum), Die Vertrauensbildung in den Fairen Handel, Bereitstellung von Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten, Öffentliche Stellungnahme zum Thema Fairer Handel, das Schaffen von Chancen für wirtschaftlich benachteiligte Produzenten, Geschlechtergleichheit, Versammlungsfreiheit, keine Diskriminierung, die Sicherstellung guter Arbeitsbedingungen, Unterstützung beim Aufbau von Handlungskompetenz und Wissen („Capacity Building“), Öffentlichkeits- und Bildungsarbeit für den fairen Handel. En 2009, les ventes de produits certifiés équitables étaient estimées à plus 3,4 milliards d'euros[4]. Fair trade cooperatives create a space of solidarity and promote an entrepreneurial spirit among growers. Furthermore, the same year, the European Parliament adopted the "Resolution on promoting fairness and solidarity in North South trade" (OJ C 44, 14 February 1994), a resolution voicing its support for fair trade. Farmers do not get a fair price for their product despite relying on cocoa sales for the majority of their income. There are a large number of fair trade and ethical marketing organizations employing different marketing strategies. The sale of fair trade handicrafts online has been of particular importance in aiding the development of female artisans in Latin America. Le commerce équitable consiste en une relation commerciale globale créant les conditions d'un véritable développement pour les plus défavorisés. The cooperatives incur costs in reaching fair trade political standards, and these are incurred on all production, even if only a small amount is sold at fair trade prices. An alternative trading organization (ATO) is usually a non-governmental organization (NGO) or mission-driven business aligned with the fair trade movement aiming "to contribute to the alleviation of poverty in developing regions of the world by establishing a system of trade that allows marginalized producers in developing regions to gain access to developed markets". [67], University students have significantly increased their consumption of fair trade products over the last several decades. En 2016, la vente en France de produits issus des filières internationales de commerce équitable a généré 673 millions d'euros. Coffee is one of the most highly traded commodities in the world, yet the farmers who grow it typically earn less than $2 a day. [12][13][14] In the fair trade debate there are complaints of failure to enforce the fair trade standards, with producers, cooperatives, importers and packers profiting by evading them. In 2005, French parliament member Antoine Herth issued the report "40 proposals to sustain the development of Fair Trade". Il se revendique alors comme un mouvement alternatif au libéralisme[16]. Ten Thousand Villages, an NGO within the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), and SERRV International were the first, in 1946 and 1949, respectively, to develop fair trade supply chains in developing countries. Northern consumers are able to just make a simple choice without these burdens and expenses. This protects the biodiversity of the ecosystem and ensures that the land will be usable for farming in the future and not just for short-term planting. The independent certification allowed the goods to be sold outside the worldshops and into the mainstream, reaching a larger consumer segment and boosting fair trade sales significantly. FINE est un acronyme reprenant les initiales de ces associations (FLO, IFAT, NEWS et EFTA). Registrierte Mitglieder müssen den dreistufigen Monitoring-Prozess durchlaufen haben. ", 2005. [122][123] Textiles and clothing are exported from Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. London: Routledge, 2007. Cooperatives pay farmers a fair price for their cocoa so farmers have enough money for food, clothes, and school fees. Josiah Warren semble en être le précurseur dans ses expérimentations menées au sein de la Communauté New Harmony de Robert Owen. For some products, such as coffee, only fair trade standards for small farmers' organizations are applicable. May is World Trade Month, a time to recognize and echo the importance of global trade, particularly fair trade.

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