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All of my associates here have been at this for a couple of years. Is that response from Senator Sanders enough for you? We need -- my approach to this is we need as much help for as many people as quickly as possible and bring in as many supporters as we can. He had... BUTTIGIEG: I'm stating the facts, because these are votes that you took, and those votes set you alone among the Democrats running for president. Welcome to Las Vegas. It's a procedure that is done about a million times a year. Senator Sanders, quickly. He gets his insulin through the V.A. BIDEN: No, let the process work its way out. SANDERS: Creating a government that works for all, not just for Mr. Bloomberg. And lastly, I think it's important that on day one, day one, we deal with sending an immigration bill to the desk. I'm only half-joking here. First time I've ever made any money. It is a question of values. What happens if the president doesn't accept the election results? You lost by over 20 points to someone who later lost to my friend, Joe Donnelly. And if they have a process, which I believe they do... TODD: OK, I'm trying to do this yes or no to make it fast. What happened to your promise of full transparency? And when we came along in our administration, President Obama, and said we're going to send in a moderator to -- a mediator, stop it, he said that's unnecessary. We cannot afford to lean on the same Washington playbook. I have a plan to put the $7 billion in to have the fund managed by the people... WARREN: We need to make an investment to level the playing field and end the black and white wealth... TODD: Look, I want to get into something. And the other thing I'm going to talk about is really what is at the core of this issue between Senator Sanders and the Culinary Union, and that is this. The number of pages will probably be in the thousands of pages. We cannot continue to let our public lands be used for profits by those who don't care about our environment and are not making it better. BUTTIGIEG: Let's be real about the deadline. We might all be surprised if my blood pressure is lower than Mayor Pete's. And as a former special education teacher, we could fully fund IDEA so children with disabilities would get the full education they need. "It was a disgrace." I love the people of this country. Unfortunately or fortunately... BLOOMBERG: Fortunately, I make a lot of money, and we do business all around the world. According to the New York Times," the last time that Mitch McConnell was on the ballot, the vice president stood in the Oval Office and said, "I hope that Mitch gets reelected so I can keep working with him." BUTTIGIEG: No, it's not, because, first of all, let me say, we're all delighted that you are in fighting shape. bookmarkMSNBC access_time 02/19/2020 02/19/2020 person Mod chat_bubble0. But I'm actually less concerned about the lack of transparency on Sanders' personal health than I am about the lack of transparency on how to pay for his health care plan, since he's said that it's impossible to even know how much it's going to cost, and even after raising taxes on everybody making $29,000, there is still a multi-trillion-dollar hole. Well, I think we did. Number one place to live out the American dream right now is Denmark. Mayor Bloomberg, let me read -- let me read what you've said about this issue. The Dreamers are so important in Nevada. And I think you should release your records from your physical. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. These are the candidates who launched a bid for the presidency in 2020, aiming to deny Trump a second term. BUTTIGIEG: No other -- is it true or is it false that no other Democrat from the Senate running for president voted that way? So let's get to our first question. Six presidential candidates took the stage in Des Moines, Iowa, for the last debate before voting begins in February. But almost no candidate was unscathed in the debate, which took place just four days before the pivotal South Carolina primary and one week ahead of Super Tuesday. Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women, and of supporting racist polls like redlining and stop and frisk.

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