
1977 Ford Crown Victoria

or by continuing to use Eventbrite, you agree. In light of these standards, the Village of Lombard regrets to announce the cancellation of all special events and concerts scheduled through August. .then(function (r) { var members = new Bloodhound({ } In compliance with Governor Pritzker’s Restore Illinois 5-phase plan, announced May 5, 2020, the Village is announcing the cancellation of several upcoming events. var doAction = openInNewWindow ? store.setItem(key, false); url: $form.attr('action'), } var $info = $('#gzns').find('.col-sm-6.col-md-4'); $modal.removeClass('isLoading'); MNI.openNewWindow : MNI.redirectTo; $('#catgId').val(categoryId); break; } Search _mnisq.push(["domain",""],["context",202],["max",5],["rotate",1],["maxWidth",480],["maxHeight",60],["create","mn-banner"]); Share Vegan Paradise: A Vegan Farmer's Market by Chicago Vegan Test Kitchen with your friends. var key = "5-list-view"; This Year e.preventDefault(); suggestion: function (data) { return '

' + data.Name + '
' + data.Type + '
' } }).then(function (r) { data: $form.serialize() url: $form.attr('action'), Chamber Of CommerceRecreation & SportsNetworkingCommunity In light of these standards, the Village of Lombard regrets to announce the cancellation of all special events and concerts scheduled through August. type: 'POST', case 2: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.QuickLink A region will not reach Phase 5 and large gatherings will not be permitted until it is deemed post-pandemic on the basis of either a vaccine, effective and widely available treatment, or the elimination of new cases over a sustained period of time. $('#gz-info-subscribe .send-btn').show(); Today Lombard, IL 60148. var store = window.localStorage; $('.member-typeahead').typeahead({ Festivals & HolidaysArts & CultureChamber Of CommerceRecreation & SportsNetworkingFeaturedCommunity })($('#gz-info-subscribe .modal-content')); 630-627-5040. MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID); $.ajax({ url: MNI.BaseUrl + '/inforeq/contactFriend?itemType='+MNI.ITEM_TYPE+'&itemId='+MNI.ITEM_ID }) This includes Memorial Day (5/25) Cruise Nights & Summer Concerts Series (June – August) and the 4th of July Fireworks display. $modal.find('.modal-body').html(r); Share Chicago's Best 90-Min Architecture Boat Tour on The Chicago River with your friends. }); Updates will be shared as they are made available. hint: false, Lombard Chamber of Commerce | Since 1953, Home | Contact Us | Member Login   You can explore by location, what's popular, our top picks, free stuff... you got this. $modal.removeClass('isLoading'); Job Bank For more information contact Carol Bauer. Save Career Event- Midwestern U.-Downers Grove Students & 2020 Graduates to your collection. Large gatherings of greater than 50 individuals will not be permitted until Phase 5, or the “Illinois Restored” phase begins. $('.member-typeahead').on('typeahead:selected', function (evt, item) { }); .then(function (r) { Join The Chamber Save 2020 Ain't Cancelled Series to your collection. Share The Men's Circle - 1st Fridays (Free) with your friends. doAction(MNI.Path.Category(item.SlugWithID));

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