Border Watch Mount Gambier, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia. Year 1864: 53 Issues Year 1874: 104 Issues Year 1883: 104 Issues 'Turmoil on the Mount: newspaper's editor quits, reporter accused of poll bias,' In 1848 the Rev Alexander Laurie left the church to found a the For any other purpose please contact the copyright owner via the publisher. Year 1925: 104 Issues 18K likes.
Each item in the list represents a year and the number of issues digitised for that year. Year 1886: 103 Issues Year 1910: 105 Issues 19K likes. Year 1879: 105 Issues Year 1902: 105 Issues Year 1918: 105 Issues Year 1951: 156 Issues Year 1870: 105 Issues The National Library of Australia supports creativity, innovation and knowledge-exchange but does not endorse any inappropriate or derogatory use.
The Border Watch received publicity through being owned by millionaire truck driver Allan Scott, whose death in 2009 led to some controversy over his estate. 26, 1861-Dec. 30, 1954. Year 1907: 103 Issues Year 1923: 104 Issues Year 1866: 86 Issues Year 1917: 104 Issues 62 (June 27, 1862)-v. 14, no. See The Border Mail classifieds section online. Year 1894: 104 Issues Year 1946: 153 Issues Death Notices: From 1 January 2003 to 25 October 2017: 36,669: Funeral Notices: From 1 January 2003 to 25 October 2017: 3,821: Obituaries: From 10 June 2003 to 3 November 2016: 44: Legal Notices: From 28 January 2003 to 12 November 2016: 1,805: Other Notices: From 3 January 2003 to 8 October 2016: 15 Year 1903: 104 Issues Year 1913: 105 Issues Year 1865: 53 Issues
29/08/2020 - Funeral Notices Year 1875: 103 Issues
Year 1873: 105 Issues Year 1919: 104 Issues 1096 (May 6, 1874): Border watch and South-Eastern district advocate. Year 1890: 105 Issues Year 1930: 156 Issues Newspaper Death Notices Index from 1972 onwards Australia [edit | edit source] Australian Newspapers, ($), index; Australia Newspaper Vital Notices, 1851-1997, ($), index, incomplete. Year 1882: 104 Issues
Year 1885: 104 Issues
Year 1939: 156 Issues Year 1877: 104 Issues Year 1869: 104 Issues Canberra, A.C.T.
Today it is South Australia's largest country newspaper with a circulation of 7,500.Castello, Renato. Year 1954: 155 Issues Year 1916: 105 Issues Year 1927: 156 Issues In 1848 the Rev Alexander Laurie left the church to found a the Portland Herald newspaper at Portland, Victoria. Electronic reproduction. Year 1953: 156 Issues Year 1914: 104 Issues
Year 1891: 104 Issues 2, no. Year 1943: 156 Issues Year 1926: 139 Issues Read The Border Watch Online. Australian Periodical Publications 1840-1845 ; Trove digitized newspapers; Australian Lutheran, ($), index. Year 1889: 103 Issues Year 1862: 52 Issues The National Library of Australia acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals and institutions.The National Library of Australia has digitised this work with the permission of the rights holder and enabled download or print options where possible for research or study. Year 1922: 104 Issues Also available in print and on microfilm.
Year 1938: 157 Issues In 1978 printing was changed to the web offset process. Please respect indigenous, cultural and ethical concerns.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to get the full Trove experience. Year 1911: 104 Issues it is a popular regional newspaper based in Mount Gambier, South Australia. Year 1947: 156 Issues
Year 1887: 105 Issues From May 1866 the newspaper was published twice weekly, and from 1926 it was published three times a week. Mt Gambier Funeral Services is located at 1 White Ave in Mount Gambier, South Australia Australia Year 1861: 36 Issues
Year 1884: 105 Issues Year 1950: 156 Issues
Year 1941: 156 Issues Year 1949: 155 Issues Year 1915: 103 Issues Year 1935: 155 Issues Year 1881: 105 Issues Year 1898: 105 Issues Year 1863: 52 Issues Year 1872: 104 Issues Year 1932: 156 Issues Year 1896: 105 Issues Year 1871: 104 Issues Year 1921: 104 Issues Year 1906: 104 Issues Year 1899: 104 Issues Year 1897: 103 Issues Year 1900: 105 Issues
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