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This means I can't complete the Drow Restoration quest, and therefore I can't complete the module. Regarding the plot and having extra fun... you can play a drinking game with it. Aribeth de Tylmarande is said to have been born in Thundertree, a town in the Neverwinter Woods of uncertain parentage; some say she came from a union between half-elves, others say between a moon elf and a human. I have a problem: in Port Last I talked to Aribeth until she gave me a ring as a token of friendship, and I *want* to keep it but when I enter Luskan I lose the ring. Must agree with the others, And I am an Aribeth fan. Aribeth's ring was a magical ring that provided its wearer with resistance to spells. ~~ I love it, and I am humbled! 6. I am uncertain why rainbow levers are supposed to be so easy when no instruction was given, no rewards  or clues given to the observant adventurer either. Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly I was wrong. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. ~~. It was last updated in 2017. Lawful Good; Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral. Back to the plot. I can't find the Dwarven heirloom halberd "Spike" or "Smike" or whatever it's called. Wonderful! Good module to further your lawful good character especially if you are a fan of the elven paladin. It ought to be someone Aribeth would be interested in. Really! The Harmony of Life is Chaos They screwed up the camera. You have joined her on her quest for redemption. Berra's Estate of Horrors, "Halloween 2008 Event", Stand Alone Release - v.1.0 (Created 30th of October 2008), Lone Wolf Chapter 3 - The Circle of Three, Open - Free & open only if project also open. FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. Even if the story is linear, it's really enjoyable, and well-balanced. I loved this mod. I did not realize there was an Elven Smith that would upgrade her sword until I got to the end, and the narrator tells you to take her sword if it got improved! I think this is a ring that Aribeth actually wears. My problem now is, I wiped my hd and cleaned up my laptop and can't find a way to get all of these mods and the cep? This ring was the family heirloom of Aribeth de Tylmarande, an elven paladin of Tyr, but it was lost when she was defeated in combat in Neverwinter in 1372 DR. (1st march 2009) SHS women over me: Living on Wings of Dreams I wish they wouldve added new lvl cap, What the Shadows of Undrentide expansion should have been and was not. I am a female and I was aware this mod was written for young males to fantasize adventuring with a controversial character. Basic Information When I went to reclaim original gear..... +4 regen ring-gone     Aribeths upgraded avenger sword--GONE.....Aribeths shield-gone. In other words, the same flowery notation from each npc talking in the same conversation; is a double whammy and lessens the good experience. But then, the epilogue had the same issue of people attacking, distracting me from reading. Never question the sanity of the insane All 3 mods together made one lovely story and is easily more than 15 hours. Edited by Dalis'ilhea, 18 May 2005 - 05:37 AM. i love this mod. Some QA:- typos(in conversation, if not prompted otherwise): "lcation"&"with what with what" - Valas; "attampt" - Hurinion; "Si r" - Iphingia; "theri" - Norfin; "Tullykin.It" - Mayor; "Ladychooses" - Drugo; "succomed"&"furute"&"that i should"&"youfor" - Ari; "humerous" - Tamina Senneseph; "noght" - Merugo Tildennyskin;- no stone-to-flesh spells/items- some containers are empty- no black market- 2 instances of Boigrin Vickle in Tullykin- family ring description is strange- Willando uses female hench dialogue. 1. Ring of the Woodelves At one point my ring of power was downgraded to lesser (even though it was obtained legally in one of the earlier mods). my journal says that she will tell me when i have more experience, but im level 12, so thats obviously not the problem. I always hate running back and forth in this area/. Mine is not even Lawful Good [actually, I started the OC Neutral, but ended Neutral Good because of various subquests]), although some encounters were quite difficult. LOVE. Aribeth's ring was a magical ring that provided its wearer with resistance to spells. At the very end there were interesting and fun items      including bags, but who cares since the game is over. I thought I was stuck inthe Rakshasa cave but picking up some treasure in the middle got me back out, somehow. Excellent effort! I tried entering Luskan while wearing the ring, or putting it in a magic bag but it doesen't work. It was worth around 50,000 gold pieces. Your character should have saved her at the end of the OC and believe that a fair trial will mean that she gets something other than the end of a noose - and, of course, he has some sort of romantic interest in her. Aribeth was a bit under-powered from a weapons standpoint, and there were few good bastard swords to give her, basically none that were much better than what she had. 15th Your chaotic neutral halfling thief will feel distinctly like a dork spouting half of this dialogue. 5. The village was wiped out in an orc raid leaving her the sole survivor of the massacre. I reloaded the ending part again with same conclusion. If so, it is a good first effort. Never Mind,, I forgot You Bash the door lol. You currently have javascript disabled. So it just might an ordinary ring with different description and item image. So I had to delete THAT save,  Much time wasted. If the player listened to whole Aribeth's tale in chapter 2 and kept her ring, she will not only agree to restore to good, but find out about her developing feelings to a protagonist. theres two "romances" in in the game, one for aribeth and the other for the spy, never finished his, what happens in that one anyway?

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