My usual technique is to type a completely random answer -- I madly slap at my keyboard for a few seconds -- and then forget about it. Where this helps is, when asked for a "secret" question, I generally just type in "Level 1" (or 2, 3, etc) as "the question". And the security of the entire system suffers. What you know 2. before and after the answer. Should progressives and liberals view the Lincoln Project Republicans as full-fledged converts, or as temporary allies of convenience, or as an The Never-Trump Republicans who founded the Lincoln Project are highly skilled at marshaling such sentiment. (Oh, and the secret questions? Most ask one or two.
Wakes me up about those dumb banking it type dildoes who make up crap like these backup passwords. In this visionary work, New York Times bestselling author John Assaraf and business guru Murray Smith reinvent the business book for the twenty-first century. Using this method means that my password is as secure as my e-mail (however secure that may be), but I can always log in and change my password right away after receiving it.Security Levels: 1. While this is still no good for high security sites, it's better than making the main password reset facility accessible directly via the secret question--doing that turns the secret question into an instant secondary password.To attack this system would also require the attacker, in addition to guessing the answer to the secret question, to intercept the email containing the password reset URL (which should contain as much random and unpredictable information as possible). Do what I do: write your passwords on a yellow sticky paper and stick it to the underside of your keyboard. I want it to be so hard that an attacker can't possibly do it. Id makes life more complicated wothout improving security (Trojan or phishing attacks will work just as well with two passwords). “We plan on participating in that debate.”I asked Weaver whether the Lincoln Project recognizes that Trump has driven the country into a deep hole not just through assaults on the rule of law, but also via his embrace of conventional GOP plutocracy, and whether a remade GOP must drop its orientation toward tax cuts for the wealthy as a cure-all.“Trickle-down economics has proven not to work,” Weaver said, allowing that “growing and growing" inequality is a big reason the American people are losing faith in government, which is often said to have helped Trump’s rise.If the Lincoln Project has a broader agenda, then, it appears to be burning down as much of the GOP that helped bring us Trump as possible. A password manager combined with a random password generator would be convenient and accessible, and provide an easy path to improved security.
"For example, if you prompt a user to answer "when is your anniversary? I didn't really care, I knew I wouldn't forget my password, so I didn't think I'd need my 'memorable' word, that was now rendered unmemorable by the forced addition of digits.An improvement can be made if the bank initially asks for both a question AND an answer. Solution: an easy-to-use password device in your wallet or keychain for generating and remembering passwords, with no wired or wireless connections through which it can be hacked. Chapter 1 – Law and Its Operation. Share using Email. Always the same answer, which isn't particularly secure, but I've never yet seen a question where this answer was even a reasonable guess. (Credit card numbers are used with multiple parties, cash can not be cancelled after it is lost and can not itself be password protected. Secret. Keep up the great work! The one time this happened to me, I had to call the company to get my password and question reset.
receive one password, and so on. [with some patience]perhaps a combination of a password, some biometrics and multiple secret questions that are resistant to psychoanalytic work?Every one here, Bruce included, is being a tech weenie and ignoring the real world.OF COURSE the backup password is horribly weak. But this isn’t just about Trump: Bigger turnout puts a bigger GOP loss within reach, which makes it more likely that Republicans “will have their own internal reckoning.”The Lincoln Project’s efforts to get right on racial issues have also included scalding attacks on Trump’s racism and support for the Confederacy, such as But this raises another question — whether the Lincoln Project accepts the GOP’s own role in laying the groundwork for the moment. "For a start, my mother didn't change her name when she married, and so her maiden name is the same as mine. Personally, I use three levels; anything requiring my credit card number or financial information uses a unique password however. )Come on, people! The secret to acing exams. Their videos brutally attacking President Trump routinely go viral, turning them into heroes among the “But this has unleashed a counter-narrative: The Lincoln Project is I had a long and spirited conversation about all these criticisms with John Weaver, a co-founder and leader of the Lincoln Project. First, a few highlights:And the group — which includes George Conway, a Post columnist and husband of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway — has regularly attacked Trump for his assaults on democracy and the rule of law, while working to defeat GOP senators who enable those attacks.But how deep does this commitment to democracy really run? It makes it very easy to remember and provides ample security on any particular site. Weaver insisted the group would actively work against Republicans who obstruct a Biden presidency, which would face a deeper crisis than in 2009, when Republicans tried to obstruct Obama in hopes of profiting off continuing economic misery.“He will have a mandate to clean up the mess that Trump has created with the help of his enablers,” Weaver said of a Biden presidency. "I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe. THE world, and all within it, is man's conditioned consciousness objectified.
Stay tuned.Thanks, Bruce.
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