I was at a Sovereign Grace Churches songwriting retreat, along with my friends Ryan, Jon, and Megan Baird. God's strong hand will bless His people and conquer His enemies.
He wanted the chorus to end on thrilling high note, which meant we had to start it low. He rules over all and the universe is nothing but a hand breadth to him.
– For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Every week you'll get fresh content from me that will stir your faith in God and encourage you to love him moreYou'll also get great deals on books, access to massive giveaways, and much more. Feeling low. Feeling low.
Because yes, it magnifies God’s great glory and majesty.Beautiful worship song! One of the great privileges of my life is getting to help write the song “Behold Our God”. Who can teach the One Who knows all things?
BEHOLD OUR GOD is another brilliant remix by the talented and ever creative EmmaOhMaGod. One side note of interest is that the chorus starts low melodically, which is unusual for worship songs. I also realized another important fact concerning the privilege we have. You put words to that feeling – starving for the glory of God. I decided to put together a video compilation of 10 different ways the song has been arranged, including being sung in Mandarin. All Rights Reserved. Word of advice though, this song is liable to make you cry with joy in your heart because of the beauty.To download BEHOLD OUR GOD, simply click on the three dots beside the audio. God’s timing! No one can compare to him. Nothing can compare Come, let us adore Him!
Paul spoke of our ability to behold the glory of the Lord, as in a glass. And as a bonus, I'll give you FIVE FREE BOOKS as soon as you sign up. My biggest takeaway from seeing the song spread is Rather, the conclusion I’ve come to is that people are starving for the glory of God. Most of them have had minimal impact. Verse 3 Who has felt the nails upon His hands? WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY OUT WILL BE WHEN WE ALL STAND BEFORE HIM PRAISING HIM IN THE TRUTH OF THESE WORDS.My family and I have a privileged opportunity to be able to sing your beautiful song with our combined churches, Ohana Baptist Church choir concert this weekend, at Friendship Baptist Church in Hawaii. And as a bonus, I'll give you FIVE FREE BOOKS as soon as you sign up. This song surely speaks of the wondrous glory and I love when we sing it in church. Rather, it is based purely on the Word of God. "Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand, And His arm shall rule for Him; Behold, His reward is with him, And His work before Him." For the rest of the day, we wrestled with the best way to phrase the lyrics and the melody. I was at a Sovereign Grace Churches songwriting retreat, along with my friends Ryan, Jon, and Megan Baird. You might think I would have a sense of pride over helping to write the song, but the opposite is actually true. They want preaching and writing and music that points them to the staggering, stunning, absolutely beautiful character of God. Thank you for cowriting the song and thank you for today’s blog and for reminding me of the glory of God.The first time our congregation sang that song, I thought, this is the kind of song we’ll sing in heaven. Thank you! Who can teach the One Who knows all things? Hundreds of passionate believers singing this in Spanish! / Who has numbered every grain of sand? ” Yes, they surely are!
What a tast of heaven! It is a remix of the song by the The Acappella Company. I first was able to hear this song on West Coast Baptist College He Reigns CD. Written by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird and Stephen Altrogge None of the pictures are mine Thank you for writing a song that points us to the glory of God both in his majesty and in how He draws near to us in the Gospel.“..people are starving for the glory of God. Thank you! Big props to Jon for that idea.After spending most of the day writing, we felt we had a really solid song. And frequently there are tears involved.This song has been such a blessing and watching it performed in different ways all over the world is just amazing. I created The Blazing Center and have written some books which people seem to like. I usually just have to stand in my place, close my eyes, and take Him in. Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds? VERSE 3 Who has felt the nails upon His hands And frequently there are tears involved.This song has been such a blessing and watching it performed in different ways all over the world is just amazing. I was at a Sovereign Grace Churches songwriting retreat, along with my friends Ryan, Jon, and Megan Baird.
Thank you for writing a song that points us to the glory of God both in his majesty and in how He draws near to us in the Gospel.“..people are starving for the glory of God. I'm a husband, dad, writer. Who can question any of His words?
That idea was totally Jon’s. Behold our God seated on His throne Come, let us adore Him Behold our King—nothing can compare Come, let us adore Him Verse 2 Who has given counsel to the Lord? All praise to God. I’ve written a fair amount of songs. As you are listening to it, in that moment, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve heard.I rarely sing along when this song is done during our church service. Behold our God seated on His throne Come, let us adore Him Behold our King! Jon and I decided to write together, and we started with Isaiah 40:12-14 as the foundation for our song: For a while now I have been feeling stagnant in my thoughts of God, that they were not high enough. “Behold Our God” was not written based on any sort of crazy vision from God or a dream in the middle of the night. I usually just have to stand in my place, close my eyes, and take Him in. Jon and I decided to write together, and we started with Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his handAs I read through the passage afresh, I was struck by the overwhelming glory of God.
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