


This is an easy and smart integrated development environment for PHP, which is able to analyze the code and provide competent completion, quick navigation and error checking on the fly. PhpStorm also allows you to conduct unit testing and visual debugging at any time. PhpStorm includes all the functionality of WebStorm (HTML, CSS, JavaScript editing) and provides full PHP support.

Supports advanced web development technologies, including HTML5, CSS, Sass, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Compass, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, ECMAScript Harmony, Jade templates, Zen Coding, Emmet, and, of course, JavaScript.

PhpStorm includes all the functionality of WebStorm (HTML / CSS editor, JavaScript editor) and adds full-featured support for PHP and databases / SQL.

Key Features

◊Intelligent PHP code editor with syntax highlighting, code completion, advanced code formatting settings, error prevention on the fly

◊ Supports PHP 5.3-7.2, generators, coroutines and all syntax enhancements

◊PHP refactoring, code (re) arranger, duplicate code detector

◊Supports Vagrant, Composer, built-in REST client, Command Line Tools, SSH console

◊ Support for frameworks (MVC view for Symfony2, Yii) and specialized plug-ins for leading PHP frameworks (Symfony, Magento, Drupal, Yii, CakePHP, WordPress, Joomla! And many others)

◊ Visual debugger for PHP applications, debugger configuration validation, PHPUnit and Codeception with code coverage (PHPUnit 6 support), and integration with the profiler

◊HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor. Debugging and unit testing for JS. Support for HTML5, CSS, Sass, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Compass, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, ECMAScript Harmony, Emmet and other advanced web development technologies

◊Full set of tools for front-end development

◊ Support of code styles, built-in styles PSR1 / PSR2, Symfony2, Zend, Drupal and others

◊Integration with version control systems, including a unified interface

◊Remote deployment of applications and automatic synchronization using FTP, SFTP, FTPS, etc.

◊ Live Edit: changes in the code can be instantly viewed in the browser without reloading the page.


◊Integration with bug trackers

◊Database Tools, SQL Editor

◊ Cross-platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

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