
informationsteknologi uu

Konferensbidrag Efter öppettiderna är det inte möjligt att komma in i datorsalarna. Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh, Mahmoud Modarres-Hashemi, Shahram ShahbazPanahi. Tekniska rapporter, Kontaktpersoner/funktioner CAPS LOCK befinner sig fel ställe kan man byta genom att gå till Tangentbord och mus i systeminställningar och i nedre vänstra hörnet finns en knapp som heter Specialtangenter där man kan ändra det. Var noggrann med rättigheterna på filer och kataloger! Om du ”kör” på en tenta, det vill säga om du får underkänt, kan du göra ett nytt försök vid ett senare tillfälle, på en så kallad omtentamen. professor vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Datorteknik. Genom detta strävar vi mot att bidra till utvecklandet av spinntroniska komponenter för informationsteknologi, vilket exempelvis kan leda till snabbare och mer energieffektiva minnen. 751 05 Uppsala. Institutionen för informationsteknologi ( är en bred miljö med en ledande position inom såväl forskning som utbildning på alla nivåer. Människor, matematik och programmering är viktiga ingredienser i utbildningen. 3 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Människa-datorinteraktion | Bengt Sandblad …blir belastade och reagerar med stress, men ofta utan att kunna eller få … Vart och ett av dessa teman är i sig ett omfattande ämnesområde, där vi både bedriver grundforskning och har projekt med kopplingar till tillämpningar inom exempelvis teknik, biologi, medicin, ekonomi, och psykologi. Studier inom informationsteknologi ger en hÃ¥llbar utbildning med kunskaper som räcker länge. 1 (2) Institutionen för informationsteknologi Härmed kallas till sammanträde med institutionsstyrelsen torsdag 20/12-01, kl 13.15 i sammanträdesrummet 1510 (hus 1, plan 5) Bilaga 3 till § 3.3 i utbildningsplan för civilingenjörsprogrammen vid Uppsala universitet . Så här hanterar KB dina uppgifter vid användning av denna tjänst.användning av denna tjänst. 1 with a wireless sensor network for monitoring and control, Nonlinear adaptive control of the neuromuscular blockade in anesthesia, A simple recursive algorithm for learning a monotone Wiener system, Low complexity Kalman filtering for inter-cell interference and power based load estimation in the WCDMA uplink, Clustering and polygon merging algorithms for fingerprinting positioning in LTE, A LEGO-Based Mobile Robotic Platform for Evaluation of Parallel Control and Estimation Algorithms, Dynamic Smooth Pursuit Gain Estimation from Eye Tracking Data, Efficient Parallel Implementation of a Kalman Filter for Single Output Systems on Multicore Computational Platforms, Complex Dynamic Phenomena in a Low-Order Model of Non-Basal Testosterone Regulation, Further Results on a State Observer for Continuous Oscillating Systems under Intrinsic Pulsatile Feedback, State observer for continuous oscillating systems with pulsatile feedback, Laguerre domain identification of continuous linear time delay systems from impulse response data, Subspace-based frequency estimation utilizing prior information, On estimation of the gain of a dynamical system, Perfect root-of-unity codes with prime-size alphabet, Prior knowledge-based direction of arrival estimation, A combined linear programming-maximum likelihood approach to radial velocity data analysis for extrasolar planet detection, A sparse covariance-based method for direction-of-arrival estimation. De kan allt om programmen och möjliga karriärvägar. 1MA025 Linjär algebra och geometri är obligatorisk kurs på programmet som flyttas till årskurs två fr.o.m. Datorsystem handlar om hur datorer fungerar i samverkan, ofta över stora avstÃ¥nd. 1 AvI-index: A tool to assess usability Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos1 1 Uppsala University, Department of IT-HCI, Box 337, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden, Abstract. Maskinteknik. Institutionen för Inom Ämneslärarprogrammet ges kurserna i ämnet av respektive institution. Biokemisk forskning bygger i stor utsträckning på kunskaper och metoder från analytisk, fysikalisk och organisk kemi, vilket ger ämnet en tydlig kemisk grund som är gemensam med andra kemiska ämnesområden. AvI-index is a usability measurement questionnaire to assess IT Formler för feluppskattning (division med 3 (Trapets) respektive 15 (Simpson) gi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | ! Nu finns ett ökat intresse inom nya omrÃ¥den där IT spelar en allt större roll, till exempel inom miljö, turism, hÃ¥llbar utveckling och transportsektorn. Institutionen för informationsteknologi vid Uppsala universitet har mycket framstående verksamhet inom området, exempelvis inom: maskininlärning och AI; avancerad programmering; Internet of things; medicinsk IT; datasäkerhet samt; design av IT-system som skall interagera med olika typer av användare. Kungliga biblioteket hanterar dina personuppgifter i enlighet med EU:s dataskyddsförordning (2018), GDPR. SE202100293201, HCI seminar: A Broken System, A few Games, and a Healthier Tomorrow, Equal opportunities seminar: The limits of fairness, Cybersecurity seminar: Cybersecurity Research at RISE and outlook in EU and Sweden, Half-time seminar: Role modeling in computing: The who, what, how, and why with a focus on higher education, Forskarutbildning på institutionen för IT. They are the fundamental building block ! At the Department of Information Technology you study in an international environment with teachers who are leading researchers within their fields. Civilingenjörsprogrammet i kemiteknik. Civilingenjörsprogrammet i informationsteknologi, 300 hp, Kandidatprogram i systemvetenskap, 180 hp, Masterprogram i tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, 120 hp, Masterprogram i människa-datorinteraktion, 120 hp, Masterprogram i bildanalys och maskininlärning, 120 hp, Fristående kurser vid institutionen för informationsteknologi, Fristående kurser vid institutionen för informatik och media, Kandidatprogram i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och journalistik, 180 hp, Masterprogram i management, kommunikation och IT, 120 hp, Digitala medier och samhälle - Masterprogram i samhällsvetenskap, 120 hp. Civilingenjörsprogrammet i industriell ekonomi. Matriser kan härröra ur lösning av linjära ekvationssystem (! Välkommen att delta i firandet! Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Conclusion There are many Powerful techniques for Visualizing data Choose the one that fits the purpose of your visualiation Do not show too many data in every point Use Parallel Coordinate axis visualization when you have many variables in each data point tisdag 24 september 13 Centrums styrelse för tiden 2019-07-01 - 2022-06-30: Steel converter process control with cooling additives, Saturation induced limit cycles in observer-based feedback control. Det är ett fantastiskt tillfälle för dig som student att få en inblick i arbetslivet och ställa frågor till någon som vet hur det är. Nya professorer 2018. Kontaktpersoner/funktioner Eller är du lärarstudent med intresse av IT? 5. 202100-2932, Momsregistreringsnummer: 8.00-20.00 och fredag kl. Hittades i boken – Sida 426... The Kenyan conundrum 108 → Jonsson , Ola , Informationsteknologi och arbete Meddelanden från Militärhistoriska avdelningen ... UU ISBN 91-86244-29-9 : 55 : 00 Medeltida båtbyggeri → Kjellsson , Mia Medeltidsmuseet → Stockholms ... Beatriz Villarroel, Johan Soodla, Sebastien Comeron, Lars Mattsson. Ämnet har många praktiska tillämpningar inom bl.a. I Matlab och i beräkningsvetenskap använder vi begreppen både som datastruktur och som matematiskt objekt ! Detta följs av två kapitel om hur den administrativa och tekniska stödverksamheten har förändrats under de gångna 50 åren. 8.00-18.00. Om man vill att t.ex. Du fÃ¥r arbeta bÃ¥de med människor – för att utreda hur tekniken kan skapa nytta – och med teknik, exempelvis utveckling av webbapplikationer samt design och implementation av databaser. EfterfrÃ¥gan pÃ¥ kompetens inom det datavetenskapliga omrÃ¥det är stor och kommer att växa, pÃ¥ grund av datoriseringen i samhället - IT behövs och används nästan överallt. Alla våra doktorander är anställda vid institutionen för informationsteknologi vid Uppsala universitet. Formler för feluppskattning (division med 3 (Trapets) respektive 15 (Simpson) gi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | ! Har tänkt läsa informationsteknik. B. Wahlberg, H. Hjalmarsson och Peter Stoica. IT-evolutionen har spritt sig till alla branscher, exempelvis till media, marknadsföring, handel, bank och finans, spel, försäkring och offentlig service. Doktorand vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Datorteknik. E-post: Anders.Arwestrom.Jansson [AT-tecken] Telefon: 018-471 2859 Mobiltelefon: 070-4250090 Besöksadress: Rum POL ITC 2162 ITC, hus 1, 2 och 4, Lägerhyddsvägen 2 MIMO SAR imaging: signal synthesis and receiver design. Läs mer om övriga pristagare E-post: Christian.Rohner [AT-tecken] Mobiltelefon: 070-1679361 Besöksadress: Rum ÅNG 73404 Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Postadress: Box 534 751 21 UPPSALA Mojtaba Soltanalian, Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh, Nafiseh Shariati. Christian Sköld (Läkemedel), Peter Broqvist (Material) KKI. Institutionen för informationsteknologi ( är en bred miljö med en ledande position inom såväl forskning som utbildning på alla nivåer. Läs mer om kakor.OK, Uppdaterad  Kvalitetsutveckling och ledarskap. 018-611 5097 Torsten Söderström professor emeritus i reglerteknik 82 vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Systemteknik 018-471 3075 Lisa Söderström postdoktor Med dr, leg dietist vid Centrum för klinisk forskning, Västerås Vi som rättar tillhör gruppen student. Du kan till exempel arbeta med avancerad produktutveckling, kravanalys eller systemdesign - ofta i nära samarbete med kunder och användare. Historiska institutionen. NOVIFAST: A fast non-linear least squares method for accurate and precise estimation of T1 from SPGR signals. The main parts are the "Search for" (including) and the "Remove from search" (excluding) part. Prisen, med en prissumma på 20 000 kronor delas ut i samband med professorsinstallationen i november. Institutionen för informationsteknologi firar 20 år 2019-06-19 Institutionen firar 20 år 2019. Torsten Söderström, Roberto Diversi och Umberto Soverini. Institutionen för informationsteknologi - Uppsala universitet Institutionen för informationsteknologi Kursregistrering hösten 2021 vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi Alla våra kurser måste sökas via . Boris Sokolov, Alexander Shepelyavi och Alexander Medvedev. Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh, Mahmoud Modarres-Hashemi, Abbas Sheikhi. Mer precist är jag en matematiker … Miljö och vattenteknik. Åsa Cajander, professor vid institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala universitet samt rektorsråd för lika villkor. Computationally Efficient Bayesian Learning of Gaussian Process State Space Models, Monitoring a secondary settler using Gaussian mixture models, A simplified model of an activated sludge process with a plug-flow reactor, Algae Based Wastewater Treatment Model Using The RWQM1, Optimization of deep brain stimulation by means of a patient-specific mathematical model, One-bit compressive sampling with time-varying thresholds for sparse parameter estimation, Pose estimation of cyclic movement using inertial sensor data, Accelerometer calibration using sensor fusion with a gyroscope, A scalable and distributed solution to the inertial motion capture problem, Rate optimization for massive MIMO relay networks: A minorization-maximization approach, Frequency domain EIV identification combiningthe Frisch scheme and Yule-Walker equations, Delay-induced Dynamical Phenomena in Impulsive Goodwin's Oscillator: What We Know So Far, On Identification via EM with Latent Disturbances and Lagrangian Relaxation, Bayesian nonparametric identification of piecewise affine ARX systems, Nonlinear state space model identification using a regularized basis function expansion, Marginalizing Gaussian process hyperparameters using sequential Monte Carlo, Detecting anomalous air flow-ammonia load ratios, using Gaussian process regression, Nuclear Norms for System Identification: a direct input-output approach, Particle filtering based identification for autonomous nonlinear ODE models, Nonlinear state space smoothing using the conditional particle filter, Electric field modeling and spatial control in Deep Brain Stimulation, Nonlinear identification of biological clock dynamics, State estimation in a delayed impulsive model of testosterone regulation by a finite-dimensional hybrid observer, A closed loop stability condition of switched systems applied to NCSs with packet loss, Conditions for input-output stability of discrete-time Luré systems with time-varying delays, Design degrees of freedom in a hybrid observer for a continuous plant under an intrinsic pulse-modulated feedback, Nonlinear identification of neuron models, Low-frequency limitations in saturated and delayed networked control, Multi-rate uplink channel prediction and enhanced link adaptation for VoLTE, Implication of RF EMF exposure limitations on 5G data rates above 6 GHz, Steady-state Analysis and Design of Activated Sludge Processes Including Compressive Settling, Analyses of Activated Sludge Processes Consisting of a Plug-Flow Reactor and a Non-ideal Settler, Fault detection of DO sensors subject to possible clogging, Stability analysis of an adaptively sampled controller for SISO systems with nonlinear feedback, Parallel recursive estimation using Monte Carlo and orthogonal series expansions, Model-based optimization of lead configurations in Deep Brain Stimulation, Generalized Vandermonde decomposition and its use for multi-dimensional super-resolution, Binary classifiers applied to detect DO sensor faults during washing events, Gaussian process regression for monitoring a secondary settler, Frequency domain EIV identification:a Frisch Scheme approach, Frequency domain maximum likelihood identificationof noisy input-output models, A unified framework for EIV identification methods in the presence of mutually correlated noises, Backward sequential Monte Carlo for marginal smoothing, Robust auxiliary particle filters using multiple importance sampling, Time Delay Induced Multistability and Complex Dynamics in an Impulsive Model of Endocrine Regulation, Identification of jump Markov linear models using particle filters, Stimulation field coverage and target structure selectivity in field steering brain stimulation, Model accuracy for active damping of a viscoelastic beam, Application of machine learning methods for fault detection in wastewater treatment plants, Gridless compressive-sensing methods for frequency estimation: Points of tangency and links to basics, Filter Design with Hard Spectral Constraints, Optimizing zone volumes in bioreactors described by Monod and Contois growth kinetics, Steady-state analysis of simple activated sludge processes with Monod and Contois growth kinetics, Analysis of simple bioreactor models: A comparison between Monod and Contois kinetics, Accuracy of the Finite Element Method in Deep Brain Stimulation Modelling, NOx control for SCR systems using feedback linearisation, Localization of deep brain stimulation electrodes via metal artifacts in CT images, Target coverage and selectivity in field steering brain stimulation, Nonlinear estimation of a parsimonious Wiener model for the neuromuscular blockade in closed-loop anesthesia, Hybrid state observer for time-delay systems under intrinsic impulsive feedback, Volterra modeling of the smooth pursuit system with application to motor symptoms characterization in Parkinson's disease, Recursive identification of Hammerstein models, Parallel recursive Bayesian estimation on multicore computational platforms using orthogonal basis functions, Design of Piecewise Linear Polyphase Sequences with Good Correlation Properties, Search for Costas Arrays Via Sparse Representation, MERIT: A monotonically error-bound improving technique for unimodular quadratic programming, Approaching peak correlation bounds via alternating projections, Minimum sidelobe beampattern design for MIMO radar systems: A robust approach, Unimodular code design for MIMO radar using Bhattacharyya distance, Magnitude-constrained sequence design with application in MRI, A max–min design of transmit sequence and receive filter, Channel estimation using data embedded pilot in underwater acoustic communication, Cognitive Radar Waveform Design for Spectral Coexistence in Signal-Dependent Interference, Hybrid state observer with modulated correction for periodic systems under intrinsic impulsive feedback, Errors-in-variables identification using covariance matching and structural equation modeling, Model validation methods for errors-in-variables estimation, Parametric and non-parametric stochastic anomaly detection in analysis of eye-tracking data, Bifurcation analysis for PID-controller tuning based on a minimal neuromuscular blockade model in closed-loop anesthesia, DIAMOND: AdvanceD data management and InformAtics for the optimuM operatiON anD control of WWTPs, Parameter scheduling in ammonium feedback control. Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet. OK. Kontakta dÃ¥ vÃ¥ra studievägledare. Master's Programme in Computer and Information Engineering. Juan C. Agüero, Graham C. Goodwin, Katrina Lau, Meng Wang, Eduardo I. Silva och, Hugo Alonso, Teresa Mendonça, João M. Lemos och, Juan C. Agüero, Boris I. Godoy, Graham C. Goodwin och. Redigera denna sida, Uppsala universitet använder kakor (cookies) för att webbplatsen ska fungera bra för dig. Institutionen för elektroteknik. Datoradresser:; privat Cavity depth and diameter estimation in the converter process water model, Strategic User Centred Systems Design in the Organization, Making IT Happen - Strategic User Centred Systems Design in Organizations, GPU-assisted Surface Reconstruction and Motion Analysis from Range Scanner Data, Development of a Virtual Laboratory System for Science Education and the Study of Collaborative Action, A capon-like spatial spectrum estimator for correlated sources, The heurnistic, GLRT and MAP detectors for double differential modulation are identical, Subspace-based MRS data quatitation of multiplets using prior knowledge, Versatile robust capon beamforming: theory and applications, Rank deficient robust capon beamforming for complex spectral estimation, Linearization of Static Input Nonlinearities, Fast and approximate estimation of continuous-time stochastic signals from discrete-time data, A model averaging approach for equalizing sparse communication channels, Frequency-selective SVD-based magnetic resonance spectroscopy with prior knowledge, Periodic signal analysis using orbits of nonlinear ODEs based on the Markov estimate, Relationships Between the Hoof Retardation Pattern of the Forelimb and Hind Limb at the Trot, Comparative study of three recursive parameter estimation algorithms with application to acoustic echo cancellation, Location coverage and sensitivity with A-GPS, Sensor Fault Detection and Process Monitoring in Water Resource Recovery Facilities, Hybrid observers for systems with intrinsic pulse-modulated feedback, Machine learning with state-space models, Gaussian processes and Monte Carlo methods, Model-based optimization for individualized deep brain stimulation, Modeling and identification of nonlinear and impulsive systems, Identification using Convexification and Recursion, Input-Output Stability Analysis of Networked Control Systems, Identification Techniques for Mathematical Modeling of the Human Smooth Pursuit System, Contributions to Signal Processing for MRI, Parallel Stochastic Estimation on Multicore Platforms, Nonlinear Modeling and Feedback Control of Drug Delivery in Anesthesia, Modelling and Control Methods with Applications to Mechanical Waves, Signal Design for Active Sensing and Communications, Nonlinear System Identification and Control Applied to Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems, Ammonium Feedback Control in Wastewater Treatment Plants, Spectral Analysis of Nonuniformly Sampled Data and Applications, Interaction Analysis in Multivariable Control Systems: Applications to Bioreactors for Nitrogen Removal, Signal Processing for Spectroscopic Applications, Viscoelastic Materials: Identification and Experiment Design, Estimating Human Limb Motion Using Skin Texture and Particle Filtering, Analysis of Some Methods for Identifying Dynamic Errors-in-variables Systems, Estimation and Control of Resonant Systems with Stochastic Disturbances, Nonlinear Identification and Control with Solar Energy Applications, Parameter and State Estimation with Information-rich Signals, Advanced Spectral Analysis with Applications, Estimation Problems in Array Signal Processing, System Identification, and Radar Imagery, Estimeringsproblem inom arraysignalbehandling, systemidentifiering och radar, Modeling and Control of Bilinear Systems: Application to the Activated Sludge Process, Control of Nitrogen Removal in Activated Sludge Processes, Active Vibration Control of Multibody Systems: Application to Automotive Design, Nonlinear Approaches to Periodic Signal Modeling, Model Reduction and Parameter Estimation for Diffusion Systems, On System Identification and Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Systemidentifiering och Akustisk Ekoutsläckning, Identification of Stochastic Continuous-time Systems: Algorithms, Irregular Sampling and Cramér-Rao Bounds, Calibration of Probabilistic Predictive Models, Machine learning for spatially varying data, Deep learning applied to system identification: A probabilistic approach, Tailoring Gaussian processes for tomographic reconstruction, Volterra modeling of the human smooth pursuit system in health and disease, Modeling and assessment of human balance and movement disorders using inertial sensors, Ammonium based aeration control in wastewater treatment plants: Modelling and controller design, Fault detection in water resource recovery facilities, Learning probabilistic models of dynamical phenomena using particle filters, Mathematical modeling for optimization of Deep Brain Stimulation, Pulse-modulated feedback in mathematical modeling and estimation of endocrine systems, On some sparsity related problems and the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm, Output feedback control: Some methods and applications, Mathematical modeling of the human smooth pursuit system, Parallelization of stochastic estimation algorithms on multicore computational platforms, System identification and control for general anesthesia based on parsimonious Wiener models, Nonlinear system identification with applications to selective catalytic reduction systems, Interaction analysis and control of bioreactors for nitrogen removal, Nonparametric identification of viscoelastic materials, Recursive black-box identification of nonlinear state-space ODE models, Towards markerless analysis of human motion, Parameter and state estimation using audio and video signals, On two methods for identifying dynamic errors-in-variables systems, Modeling and control of vibration in mechanical structures, Parametric methods for frequency-selective MR spectroscopy, Nonlinear system identification of the dissolved oxygen to effluent ammonium dynamics in an activated sludge process, Coupled electric drives data set and reference models, Parametric convergence analysis of an adaptive filtering algorithm with output quantization, MATLAB software for nonlinear and delayed recursive identification: Revision 1, Comparing two recent particle filter implementations of Bayesian system identification, A tradeoff between data rate and regulation performance in networked data flow control, Delay-independent stability criteria for networked control systems, Constraints in nonlinear L2-stable networked control, A Recursive Method for Enumeration of Costas Arrays, MATLAB software for identification of nonlinear autonomous systems: Revision 1, On a limitation in networked flow control, Data for benchmarking in nonlinear system identification, On the impact of model accuracy for active damping of a viscoelastic beam, LS-SVMlab Toolbox User's Guide: version 1.7, Recursive Identification and Scaling of Non-linear Systems using Midpoint Numerical Integration, MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 6, Input-output data sets for development and benchmarking in nonlinear identification, Recursive Prediction Error Identification and Scaling of Non-linear Systems with Midpoint Numerical Integration, Online Nonlinear Identification of the Effect of Drugs in Anæsthesia using a Minimal Parameterization and BIS Measurements, Expressions for the covariance matrix of covariance data, Nonlinear identification of a minimal NeuroMuscular Blockade model in anæsthesia, New Input/Output Pairing Strategies based on Minimum Variance Control and Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control, MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 4, Polynomial Feedforward Design Techniques for a Mechanical Wave Diode System, MATLAB software for recursive identification of systems with output quantization: Revision 1, MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 3, MATLAB software for recursive identification of Wiener systems: Revision 2, Optimal Excitation for Nonparametric Identification of Viscoelastic Materials, Accuracy comparison of time domain maximum likelihood method and sample maximum likelihood method in errors-in-variables identification, A simplified form of the bias-eliminating least squares method for errors-in-variables identification, Statistical analysis of the Frisch estimates for identifying errors-in-variables systems, On optimal sensor locations for nonparametric identification of viscoelastic materials, Cost-Efficient Operation of a Denitrifying Activated Sludge Process - An Initial Study, Accuracy analysis of bias-eliminating least squares estimates for identification of errors in variables systems, Nonlinear Identification of a Solar Heating System, Nonlinear Identification of an Anaerobic Digestion Process, MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 2, MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 1, Analysis of the input-output couplings in a wastewater treatment plant model, Identification of continuous-time ARX models from irregularly sampled data, Practical aspects of continuous-time ARMA system identification, Bias analysis in least squares estimation of periodic signals using nonlinear ODEs.

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